SOVLED! Outlook Preview Pane Blank

All in all, obsolescence causes a lot of problems for Outlook and Outlook Preview Pane blank is a prime example. In most of the cases, the best solution is to update Outlook. If the issue persists you should consider enabling Preview Pen in Outlook on your own. Spare a bit of time to check out this article and learn what must be done. 

A List Of Suspects

Email notification concept, one new inbox e mail, envelope with incoming message on computer laptop screen, business office desk background

While Outlook usually works well on Windows computers, it’s still an app and apps could go haywire out of the blue. About Outlook Preview Pane blank, it’s strongly recommended that you keep these possibilities in mind:

  • Outlook is out-of-date
  • Disabled Preview Pen

Approaches To The Situation 

Update Outlook

Unable to recall the last you updated Outlook? Then it’s highly likely that your version of Outlook is obsolete which results in issues such as Outlook Preview Pane blank. 

For post-2010 versions:

  • Step 1: Launch Outlook, click File and pick Account/Office Account.
  • Step 2: Select Update options and choose Update now. 
  • Step 3: If an update is available, allow Outlook to download and install it.
  • Step 4: Restart your computer after the update finishes.
  • Step 5: When the screen comes back on, launch Outlook and determine whether the issue persists.

For pre-2010 versions:

  • Step 1: Launch Outlook, click File and pick Help.
  • Step 2: Hit Check for Updates
  • Step 3: If an update for Outlook is available, download and install it.
  • Step 4: Restart your computer,  launch Outlook and see how things turn out. 

Enable Preview Pane 

Needless to say, if Preview Pen is disabled, there is no way you could make use of Preview Pen. If you suspect that unknown issues have disabled Preview Pen, re-enable it. 

  • Step 1: Open Outlook, click View and pick Reading Pane.
  • Step 2: Select the position for Preview Pane by choosing between available options. 
  • Step 3: Use Outlook as usual. 


What is the purpose of Outlook Preview Pane?

In Outlook, Preview Pane is a feature that let people view their emails without having to open them. it’s possible to reposition Preview Pane in times of need and the size of Preview Pane is customizable as well. Also, you may opt to display the Preview Pane for all emails or only for particular types of emails.

Is it wise to preview all emails in Outlook?

The answer to the question is not simple as different people have different preferences. Regardless, if you regularly receive emails that contain sensitive information, you should refrain from previewing them in Outlook. Outlook stores a cached copy of emails which could be accessed by others if they gain access to your computer. Besides that, if you do not know the sender of an email, it won’t hurt to skip previewing to avoid certain risks

In the case that you want to preview all emails, it’s a good idea to enable Always preview messages. As the name suggests, once enabled, Always preview messages make Outlook open new messages in their own window rather than the main Outlook view. That proves handy if you want to quickly read through new messages instead of opening the messages individually. However, it can get a bit annoying if you constantly get new messages. 

What is the meaning of “No preview available”?

If you come across the message “no preview available” in Outlook as you preview an email, that email likely contains corrupted/unrecognized attachments, images, etc. 

Is it possible to turn off Preview Pane?

The Preview Pane in Outlook can be a great way to quickly glance at your emails without having to open them. However, if you find Preview Pane less than helpful, feel free to turn it off. All you have to do is to open Outlook, click View, pick Reading Pane and hit Off.

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